02 February 2013

VCars Used Car Sites The Word on the Street - Lynn Mart is part of town’s history but should it be retained?

A row continues to rage over the long-term future of the historic Lynn Mart after a task group found its opening hours should be reduced.
Long-held tradition has been for a funfair to open in Tuesday Market Place for a fortnight from Valentine’s Day. A royal charter dating back to 1537 is said to have laid down the right for it to be so.
This year, The Mart looks set to open on Valentine’s Day, as is customary, but most of the rides will be packed away on Sunday, February 23.
The Lynn News took to the streets to ask “Should Lynn Mart continue in Tuesday Market Place?”
Wendy Funnell, 68, of Cobbs Hill, Terrington St Clement, said: “It has always been there and should remain. It is nice to see it come back each year. It is part of the history of the town.”
Ann Whiting, 67, of Castle Rising, said: “I like The Mart but I don’t like the impact it has on the market place. It would be nice if it could be somewhere else.
“There aren’t many places in England with such a nice market place and I like to see it as it is.”
Mae Read, 84, of Market Lane, Lynn, said: “I don’t see where else The Mart could go.
“I live close enough to be able to hear it when it is here but I don’t mind. It is tradition.
“I do think there needs to be more care with the roads and perhaps one of them should be closed.”
Gary Dawes, 45, of Reynolds Way, Dersingham, said: “It has been here for years and it needs to be here.
“It has always been like that and it needs to stay like that.”
Jackie Tooke, of Saddlebow Road, Lynn, said: “I think it has got too big for Tuesday Market Place. It would be better out-of-town somewhere with more space.
“I think you’d get more people then because you would be free to move around more rather than having to be watching the roads.
“If it were out of town it would be fine for it to be on for a fortnight.”

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